Wed, May. 8, 2024 7:00pm — 7:45pm
The meeting allows the Parish Council and local Community Organisations to explain what they have been doing over the past year and what plans they might have for the coming year. It is also the forum for electors to have their say on anything which they consider is important to the people of the parish.
In law a Parish Meeting consists of the local government electors of a parish (s.13 of the 1972 Act) and the purpose of the meeting is to discuss parish affairs (s.9 of the 1972 Act).
The Annual Parish Meeting for Lindsey for 2024 will be held on Wednesday 8 May 2024 commencing at 7.00pm and will be held in the Village Hall on Church Road, Lindsey.
This meeting is open to all residents of Lindsey so please do come along, make your views known, ask questions or watch proceedings.
To download an agenda please use this link.