Centre for Sustainable Energy
The Centre for Sustainable Energy has lots of reports and resources to support work tackling the climate emergency and ending the suffering caused by cold homes.
Onshore Wind Local Partnerships
The company Regen has produced a report on how to respond to the current consultation on developing local partnerships for onshore wind in England, for local authorities and community organisations. Take a look at it here.
Coronation Gardens for Food and Nature
In partnership with several organisations such as the Wildlife Trusts, the Coronation Gardens for Food and Nature scheme encourages people and communities to live sustainably and help wildlife recover by growing food and creating space for nature in gardens, on balconies and in shared greenspaces. Find out more about the pledge you can take here.
Farming Conference
The Museum of the Environment (MOTE) is organising a farming conference - details yet to be confirmed but keep an eye on their webpage for when the date is released.
National Energy Action
The National Energy Action (NEA) website has several useful resources, including advice about what to do if you are struggling with your energy bills and WASH (Warm and Safe Home Service). They also run courses, for example in Energy Awareness and Decarbonising Homes.
Greener Growth
Does your community have a neglected and sad piece of land? Does it need reviving so that wildlife and community are brought together? Greener Growth is a community interest company that takes neglected areas and makes them food-producing and biodiversity-enhancing. They provide makeovers of all shapes and sizes where the profits raised are used to support other community projects. Find out more about them here. They are also currently looking for volunteers to help maintain their community green sites around Bury St Edmunds.