The policy documents listed on this page provide guidance and continuity for all decisions made by the Parish Councillors of Lindsey Parish Council.
The policies used for the immediate running of the business of the Council are reviewed each year at either the January or March Meetings prior to year end (31 March). They can be altered during the year if legislation requires amendment but must be brought back to Council and cited as a specific agenda item. This is to ensure that the ‘rules’ are adhered to and that the operating rules of the Council are fit for purposed and adhered to. The most important of these documents are the Standing Orders of the Council along with its Financial Regulations.
Standing orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council’s internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings. They are not the same as the policies of a council but they may refer to them.
To download a copy of Lindsey Parish Council's Standing Orders please click here.
Financial Regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the council. Financial regulations are one of the council’s two governing policy documents providing procedural guidance for members and officers. Financial regulations must be observed in conjunction with the council’s standing orders and any individual financial regulations relating to contracts.
To download a copy of Lindsey Parish Council's Financial Regulations please click here.
All Parish Councils have to discharge their duties and powers within the law and according to their governance policies on the conduct of meetings and financial matters. The policies and procedures and charges which make up the standard ‘managerial approach’ such documents enshrine are reviewed on an annual review cycle mainly because they do not need much alteration. However, they may be altered at any time within the annual cycle providing they are listed as an agenda item. Policies continue to be added if required.
The files listed below are created using Adobe Acrobat. Most computers should be able to read these documents, if you do not have the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it from the Adobe Website
Statement for Reporting on Meetings in Person 2024 | Protocol for Reporting at Meetings in Person 2024 |